May 20, 2024

Falcon of the Week - May 20th, 2024

It is my pleasure to nominate Sage Brewer as Falcon of the Week. Sage deomstrates integrity in all that she odes. She is honmes, respectful, courageious and dependable. Sage is respected by her fellow class and up the point on the soccer field. Sage is a fantastic role model and we are so lucky she is part of our Falcon family! - Chosen by: Ms. Ziegler
Falcon of the Week Sage Brewer
My choice for Falcon of the Week, in her last week at Ogemaw Heights, is Kaitlyn Guoan. Kaitlyn was a student in my Chemistry class this year and throughout her time in my roo, it became clear to me that while a bit quiet from time to time, she displayed all the cvharacter traits of a person with integrity. As a member of FFA, she was entrusted with caring for the aquarium which put her in charge of several tasks that she quickly took the lead on. It is my belief that her strong, integrous foundation will allow her to be successful as she graduates from OHHS. Congrats, Kaitlyn! We will miss you here. - Chosen by: Mr. Peace
Falcon of the Week Kaitlyn Guoan
I have consen Macie Munson for this week's Falcon of the Week. Macie shows Integrity by using her time wisely in class, working hard to complete her art projects and challenging herself by trying different mediums. On the field, Macie has been working hard to get back into top physical condition after her setback from an injury sustained in soccer. Macie knows who she is and what she wants and works towards her  goals with strong determination. - Chosen by: Ms. Duell
Falcon of the Week Macie Munson
Luke always works with integrity at the building trades house. He does his work to the best of his ability and always tries to do the right thing. Luke is a very honest, hard working young man. Chosen by: Mr. Klein
Falcon of the Week Luke Willams

Ogemaw Heights High School Presents...



Falcon of the week